Editorial Policy

The role of journal editors in reviewing and approving material that is published

Whenever there is a new submission in Phcog.Net Journals, The editor-in-Chief will assign the specific articles to editors based on the keywords or areas of interest. The editor will further assign suitable reviewers based on relevant keywords. The reviewers will be either selected from an existing database or it will be searched via external sources such as Google Scholar, Pubmed or any other related database. Reviewers will be selected from the past 2-3 years to avoid late response due to change in email or contact numbers. Once the reviewer agreed to review, the article without author information will be available in reviewers ‘ login. Once the reviewer completes the review process. It will be notified to editors and author for further revision. Upon submission of the revised manuscript, it will be again sent back to the reviewers for possible re-review. The entire process will be done via online submission portal from MEDKNOW – www.journalonweb.com

The final recommendation will be made to the editor-in-chief and a decision will be done based on editor and reviewer comments. Once accepted, the article will be processed further for publication.

Policy on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent for publications

A conflict of declaration is required from authors, peer reviewers and also from the subject editors while handling a particular article. In case of arrival of any conflict while dealing with an article, reviewers and editors are advised to inform it in advance so that the remedial steps may be taken.

An ethical clearance pertaining to human and animal use in research is compulsory for all experimental or human trial studies. The Editorial board may ask for the digital or scanned copy of the clearance in case it is needed.

Informed consent is essential for all clinical trials, case reports and case series. A clear statement of this intent should be given in all such articles.

The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

Corrections and corrigendum are published in next issues as early as it is noticed. A serious concern about an article may lead to its retraction. An editorial expression of concern may also be issued for some issues not at par with common belief or not agreeable with common understanding but have a value.

For more information, on ethical issues, viewers are requested to look at  https://publicationethics.org/ which is the official website of COPE.

Phcog.Net adheres to the ethics policy as is recommended by COPE

Complaints relating to the articles published in Phcog.Net Journals in general or  Editors or actions of the Staff should be referred directly to the Publishing Editor. Complaints may be made by email, phone or letter.

# 9, First Floor, Wheeler Road Extn.
St. Thomas Town, Bangalore 560 084, INDIA
P : +91-9686980760
E  :  publishing@phcog.net

All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days. If possible a definitive response will be made within two weeks. If this is not possible an interim response will be given within two weeks. Further interim responses will be provided until the complaint is resolved.

Committee on Publication Ethics

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) has outlined guidance for handling complaints, namely:

15.1. Editors should respond promptly to complaints and should ensure there is a way for dissatisfied complainants to take complaints further. This mechanism should be made clear in the journal and should include information on how to refer unresolved matters to COPE.

15.2. Editors should follow the procedure set out in the COPE flowchart on complaints.

Read more

Core practices | Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE
Flowcharts | Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE


Journal Editor | Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE
Publisher | Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE

Pre-publication Corrections

PDF Galley proofs are sent to the author for proofreading and corrections are done before the PDF’s are sent for printing.

Post Publications corrections

Corrections are published if the publication record is seriously affected with regard to the accuracy of published information. Corrections are published in the subsequent issue under Corrections and addendum.

Retracting the articles

Journal also has a policy of retracting the published articles if some fallacy is being brought into the notice after its publication. Phcog.Net follows as per the standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

For retractions & withdrawal, Please write to publishing@phcog.net along with manuscript title and manuscript number.

Withdrawal Policy

Manuscripts may be withdrawn by submitting a letter to the editorial office stating the genuine reasons for manuscript withdrawal. The manuscript can be withdrawn before the decision phase of article. Once the article processed for publication after acceptance. Author(s) need to pay 50 % of Article Processing Charges if in case before the publication via online or print.

Post Publication review:

To ensure a fair debate in the peer community, Phcog.Net journals have a policy of having post publication review also. Any comments after the publication of an article are being welcomed and can be published in next issues of the journal as letter to the editor depending upon the merit of the comment.

Corrections and corrigendum are published in next issues as early as it is noticed. A serious concern about an article may lead to its retraction. An editorial expression of concern may also be issued for some issues not at par with common belief or not agreeable with common understanding but have a value.

For more information, on ethical issues viewers are requested to look at  https://publicationethics.org/ which is the official website of COPE.

Phcog.Net adheres to the ethics policy as is recommended by COPE 

Conflict of Interest

The conflict of interest statement is required from authors, reviewers and also the editors dealing with a particular article. Editors and reviewers are advised to stay away from decision making of any article they have a potential conflict of interest


Every author enlisted in the author list is supposed to have contributed significantly in designing, executing or drafting the article. A clear statement of this kind is required to be submitted at the time of submission. A form with all the details of the contribution to be submitted along with submissions.

Advertising Policy

Phcog.Net accepts the advertisements on its pages from the individuals, organizations or institutions who are genuinely promoting Medicinal Plants & Pharmacognosy or allied sciences. The advertisement needs editorial approval based on advertisement policy before consideration.

For details, Please write to publishing@phcog.net